Hello, i'm

Owen Wattimena

I'm a Web and Mobile Developer.

Let me build your beautiful and powerful web and mobile app.

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I'm fresh graduate from the Polytechnic of Ambon

Has an interest in web and mobile programming and will continue to improve capabilities in the programming world.

Jl. Ir. M. Putuhena, Wayame - Ambon, Maluku, Indonesia
+62 852 4414 0715

My Study Jurney

What I Know

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Education and Certificate

Dicoding Basic Web Programming

September 2019

Pass the basic class of web programming.

See Certificate

Junior Programming

May 2019

BNSP SERTIFIKAT KOMPETENSI Software Development Junior Programming

See Certificate

SKKNI Certification

April 2019

Facilitation of National Certification (SKKNI) in the field of JUNIOR PROGRAMMING ICT

See Certificate

Computer Network-based Labolatory Certification

January 2019

Completed the workshop on Computer Network Labolatory.

See Certificate